GPS Coordinates:
Latitude 46.23132 | Longitude 4.595987
Latitude 46° 13' 52.75" | Longitude 4° 35' 45.55"
Get directions
From the Noth:
From Mâcon, head toward Charnay les Mâcon, get on the road N79. Then take the exit for Brandon / Matour, keep going toward St-Léger-La-Buissière, Germolles-sur-Grosne, Saint-Mamert and finally Ouroux.
From the South:
From Lyon, join the A6 highway toward Paris / Villefranche-sur-Saône. Take the exit for Belleville-sur-saône. Head toward Villé-Morgon, Avenas and finally Ouroux.
By train
Contact us beforehand, we will be glad to come get you either at Belleville or Mâcon train station.